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2 exhibitions from December 9, 2021 to September 11, 2022, one exhibition in the Young Museum to April 23, 2023

Starting in fall, the HMF will be showing an unprecedented exhibition project: in three formats, it will be devoted to the topic of "Frankfurt and Nazism". 75 years after the liberation of the city by U.S. troops, National Socialism (NS) and its aftermath are unfortunately highly topical issues, as right-wing extremist attacks, parties and propaganda show. How the city, which before 1933 was considered liberal and democratic and had the highest Jewish population in the Reich, was able to align itself so quickly and radically with the Nazis, and how sluggishly the process of coming to terms with the past was afterwards - these are the guiding questions of the three exhibitions.

Sponsors and cooperation partners


Hessische Kulturstiftung
Aventis Foundation
Dr. Marschner-Stiftung
Cronstett- und Hynspergische evangelische Stiftung
Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne
Evonik Industries AG
Georg und Franziska Speyer’sche Hochschulstiftung
Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main
evz – Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft
EKHN Stiftung
Frankfurter Historische Kommission
Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung
Stadt Frankfurt Inklusiv
Holger Koppe-Stiftung
Freunde & Förderer Historisches Museum Frankfurt
Historisch-Archäologische Gesellschaft e.V. HAG


Bildungsstätte Anne Frank
Fritz Bauer Institut

Institut für Stadtgeschichte
Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt

Photography and filming for private purposes is not permitted in the three exhibitions on the subject of "Frankfurt and the NS". In the context of editorial reporting and for commercial purposes, photography and filming is only permitted after prior consultation and written permission from the museum management or press office. We ask for your understanding.